Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Nairobi's Menonite Guesthouse

(Click Photos to Enlarge)

When we arrived at the Guesthouse the evening before, we were met by the house staff that took us to our rooms and there was a flurry of activity as we got our assigned rooms (and roommates), unpacked and eagerly took care of our personal hygiene for the first time in 2 days. A very peaceful end to the evening was the heavy rainfall that was coming down as we shut off our lights for our first good nights sleep in several days.

The following morning was our first opportunity to see the grounds of the Guesthouse and our first real glimpse of Africa in daylight. We were woken up for breakfast by the sound of soft marimba's being played in the courtyard - our signal that breakfast was ready in the dining room. The Menonite Guesthouse was a place for missionaries and those on missions trips to stop and rest on their way to their final destinations.
The grounds were breathtaking. I took about 150 photos that morning, which I'll spread throughout future posts. I was surprised to see that most of the flowers were the same ones we'd had in our yard in California; pointsettias, agapanthas, mother-in-law tongues, and cana lilies. All the flowers in the courtyard were dripping with the moisture from the rainfall the night before. It was a very relaxing and energizing way to spend our first morning in Africa after 2 days of international travel across 3 continents.

After a group breakfast (and photo) and a liesurely morning packing and paying our bill, we were off for our final destination with Daniel our driver from Samaritan's Purse. We were to travel by van approximately 150 miles through the Rift Valley Province to Tenwek Hospital outside Bomet, Kenya. The trip was to take about 5 hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi all. How are you?