Thursday, December 11, 2008

Zebra Confusion...

(You've Just Gotta Click to Enlarge)

It's too late to blog about the trip, so I decided to just post a super-cool safari photo from my collection. Since Zebra's are one of my favorite safari animals, I decided to do something wild with stripes, when I ran across this picture...

Check out the alignment of the stripes between Zebra #1 to Zebra #2 (yes, there ARE two Zebra's in the photo!). They match perfectly from their back all the way down to their heads. What a totally random act of repetitiveness... let's see you do that National Geographic!!!

Camera Guy ;)


Yvette said...

The blog looks GREAT! I can't believe you got it done in a weekend. I am going to pass it on to people tomorrow. ( I am exhausted from my back to back 16 hour days ) we will talk soon!!!-Yvette

AnnO said...

What a cool picture. I bet you had to look at something else to make sure you hadn't slipped into some double-vision thing. I still think you should publish this into a book.

Great talking and, since I'm sure you're interested, the chicken was great.-Ann

Unknown said...

SO FREAKING COOL! you should enter this in a photography contest of some sort.
ill pass some along to you.

Anonymous said...

Nice job Tom and Meghan. Looking forward to seeing more pictures. I submitted this to Twitter, Propeller, Stumbleupon, Technorati, Digg, and Reddit hoping to get you lots of people coming in to view the site.

Bill Ross said...


kate said...

zebras are my favorite too! lucky you got to see one!