Friday, January 16, 2009

First Impressions; Outside Tenwek Hospital...

(Click Photos to Enlarge)
We got our first impression of Tenwek Hospital when we drove past the outside of the hospital on the way to our living quarters on the other side of the hospital compound. The entire hospital was surrounded by a fence with barbed wire across the top (see background of photo) and guards at the gated front entrance to the hospital.

Just outside the perimeter of the hospital were rows and rows of wooden shanty's on the dirt road that appeared to be shops selling various items hanging from the front of the buildings.


There were people everywhere, some were just standing around, others were preparing food and feeding their families as they sat on the dirt road by the fence, while others appeared to be on their way somewhere from point A to point B.
I surveyed the activity around the hospital, seeing the fence and all the people and the conditions as we drove by and I remember thinking that I was glad we were in the van until I could make sense of my surroundings.

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