Thursday, January 8, 2009

So Happy With So Little...

( Click Photos to Enlarge)
School children walking to school along the side of the road. Although they had some sort of school uniform to wear, barely any of them had shoes on. Notice the fences... they are cacti planted in a row.
Prior to leaving on our trip, we were cautioned that the Kenyan people are very laid back and never appear to be in a rush... for anything. Even when we would otherwise expect that kind of behavior here in the United States; for example when a patient was arresting in the ICU. I think that aspect of Kenyan behavior was captured by this photo
Kenyan commerce...
Children along the side of the road. Notice Mamma in the background by the adobe huts with dirt floors. Once again, no shoes on their feet, but look at those bright smiles!
How fortunate does this series of photos make you feel about YOUR every day lives?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"how does she walk in that tight dress?!"