Friday, May 14, 2010

Back at Tenwek...

This incredible video was put together by Dr. Don Moore, a pediatric cardiologist at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital who came to Tenwek Hospital last October. All the footage in the video was shot either at Tenwek Hospital or on the safari that followed. Just try and watch this video and not get excited about what we're doing here in Kenya! Great job Don, and thanks for letting me post this on my blog.


Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

This video is AMAZING!!! What an awesome photographer Dr. Don is.... and what a great addition to your blog. Kudos Dr. Don.


Michelle said...

Wow Tom, this blog is impressive!! Loved the video. As an operating room RN, I am proud to see how much you can accomplish with limited resources. So much is wasted everyday in the American healthcare system. I will be thinking of you and your team and can't wait for the next entry....Take care!

Michelle (fyi, I'm Georgia's middle daughter from Omaha)

Unknown said...

YAY the video finally worked...been trying to view it since you left. incredible video! Blog soon!