Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm "Tom-at-Tenwek"

Click on Photo to Enlarge

Being connected to the internet is kind of an "essential necessity" for us bloggers.  I have to admit that I was a bit nervous before this trip about how I was going to pull off this blog for 2 reasons.  The last time I was here I was only able to use dial-up and I wasn't sure I would have the time to edit all the photos because of our surgery schedule and/or have a fast enough connection to upload them to my blog.

Fortunately for me we were escorted to Tenwek Hospital Information Technology (IT) Department within hours of arriving on Friday and they set up all of our laptops to be able to connect to their wireless routers around the facility.  My internet worked fine for about 24 hrs and then I couldn't connect anymore.  Luckily Todd (a visiting engineer at Tenwek) was able to give me a new IP address (?!?) so I could connect again.

Last night when Uncle Mike was reading his email on my computer it lost the ability to connect to the wireless signal again.  I figured I'd just run back over to visit my friends at Tenwek IT to get connected again sometime today.  Between cases today I ran over to IT to see if they could help me.  I was in luck because Duncan (far right) was in the office and got me going in no time at all.

After being connected to the internet I clicked on my blog site just to be sure I could connect.  When my blog came up, Duncan looked at me and asked, "What's your name?"  When I replied, "Tom" he asked if I was "Tom-at-Tenwek (the blog address)?" to which I said, "Yes, but "how do you even know about it"?  He said they googled me, they've been following it and they really liked it because it was all about Tenwek!  Duncan also gave me the official "Tenwek Hospital" web address which I've posted as a link on this blog.  

I learned on my last trip that I should NEVER be without my camera (remember the "Burlap Baby Incident").  However, I didn't take my camera with me today because we were in-between cases in the OR and I was in a hurry.  I told Duncan I'd come back and take their picture later and I would make a post "all about them!".  When I returned later not only did I get a picture of the three IT guys, but Kenneth from accounting came along as well with a 5th person to take the photo.
So here's a shout-out to my new friends at Tenwek IT from left to right:  Leonard, Kenneth (from accounting), Tenwek Tom, Jacob and Duncan.

PS.  Duncan, my wireless is working just fine - Thanks!


Anonymous said...

"Uncle Mike" here.

Thanks, Tom, for this tremendous chronicle of our Tenwek trip. It's been such a pleasure working with this talented team of folks from across the country and with our wonderful Kenyan colleages as we together serve God by serving those with heart defects. Please,all of you reading this blog, continue to pray for those children who undergo operations, and equally for those too sick to have surgery.

Finally, Tom, I'm sorry that you are so old, that you can't figure out the shower, and that you can't seem to remember to take your finger off your camera's shutter. I hope you'll have the where with all to participate in the next trip.

Auntie said...

I'm so happy to meet "Kenneth (from accounting)" because that means there IS something I could do should I have the opportunity to visit Tenwek some day... because I sure wouldn't know what to do with that mitral valve thingie, or even with the contents of a burlap sack! See you next week; be safe.

Dawson Nesbitt said...

I am Rebekah's dad back in the USA. I really appreciate your taking time from a busy schedule to write this blog and add photos. My wife has been to Kenya 5 times (with The Amani Children's Foundation) and I hope someday to get there myself. Keep up the good surgical repairs and blogging. And please give Rebekah a hug for me!
Dawson Nesbitt

Yvette said...

Hey are AMAZING! I often pull up your blog at work and take every opportunity to brag about you to whatever RNs, docs, students and whoever else is standing around. Everyone is fascinated with what you are doing.I check your blog a few times a day, so keep it up!

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

And if "Auntie" can't figure out what to do with the mitral valve "thingie" or the burlap sack I could probably help out in those areas. Maybe one day I too will be able to come along and be part of this team, but let Uncle Mike know that if I go then Angie needs to come along as well......

Miss you honey and love the visuals each day. What a blessing it is for you to be part of this and I know you will be back again.

Deanna Tzanetos said...

Hi Tom, I was able to make the last trip in Sept 2009 as an intensivist from Vandy. It was one of the greatest experiences of my life! I am expecting my first child in July so I had to sit this one out. Your blog makes me feel close to everyone there! Thanks! Keep up the good work and God Bless! Deanna Tzanetos

Anonymous said...

I am the Father of one of the nurses (Katie) short blond hair for those of you reading this. Thanks Tom for this blog. I tryed to post earlier--dont think it went through.

KATIE----GO GIRL! I am so Proud--:)!