Sunday, May 16, 2010

Setting up the OR...

After getting settled, having lunch and getting a tour of the hospital on our first day the team pitched in to help get me organzied with the perfusion supplies. Each time there is a "cardiac week" at Tenwek all the supplies and capital equipment that are used for cardiac surgery are moved down into the basement and locked up so that they will be easily located for the next team of cardiac people.  The first week of cardiac surgery at Tenwek was in Nov 2008.  The second Vanderbilt cardiac week was Oct 2009 and this is the third week of cardiac surgeries for the Vanderbilt team.  Rebecca is "breaking" into the perfusion supply area in the basement of Tenwek Hospital.

One huge advantage for me this trip is that the hospital built movable shelving for us to store our supplies on so we could stay organized and know where everything is at.  On our first trip we had to pile everything on the floor in boxes and we really never knew where anything was.  This really added to the stress of the surgery.  So things are looking better already!
We transported everything from the basement to the upper level of the hospital to put into the cardiac OR's.  No, I'm not in the photo, because someone had to take the pictures (but I did help).
They had just terminally cleaned the cardiac OR we will be doing all of our cases in.  There was nothing in the room at all until we brought in the shelving and began to organize everything.  Thanks for all your help "Team Tenwek!"

1 comment:

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

Looks better and more organized already... So different from Nov. '08. Great team work everyone everyone.