Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Transition to Tenwek #2

The prior post was my last post from my first trip to Tenwek Hospital in Kenya. It quite simply was the most significant thing I had ever been a part of and I can hardly believe that I'm leaving in 6 hours to do it all over again. The responses I got from all of you during my last trip were incredible and the experience was that much greater because I was able to share it with all of you. It was as if you were all there with me.

There's been a lot going on in our lives the past 9 or 12 months with our work and jobs getting more and more challenging, the Nashville flood in recent weeks with the total devastation suffered by so many people here. Fortunately we were spared from any major problems from the floods. I feel like I've gotten a complete education in the past couple of weeks in rain, rain gutters, plugged down-spouts and the direct relation between and ability of pounding rain to be able to seep 3 to 4 feet under ground and literally pour through our concrete foundation into the crawl space under our home.

I would have tried to do something about it before leaving for Kenya but before I could a run-a-way box truck in our neighborhood found it necessary to break the pin in the transmission that keeps it in park and rolled down the hill in our neighborhood jumped the curb, barrelled through our hedges before stopping and sinking into our rain/flood soaked lawn. Not to worry though, the wrecker they brought in was easlily able to drag the truck back out of our yard (along with our sprinkler system).

So now I have a "few more" things to do before leaving for Kenya. But that's not the end of it... on Saturday a retired judge found it necessary to back into my car while it was parked on the street rendering the door incapable of opening and the front left wheel incapable of turning freely without scraping the fender well.

So... my car's in the shop, the truck is out of the yard, the crawl space of our house looks like a rice patty and I'm leaving this all behind in 6 short hours to go back to my "happy place" at Tenwek Hospital. I'll post as much as possible while I'm there and please leave comments on my blog so I know you're out there.

1 comment:

Yvette said...

You are at your best when you shoot from the hip. Can't wait for all your new stories.