Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We're On Our Way...

Our flight takes off from Nashville at 11:40 AM today on it's way to Detroit. After a 3 hour layover we'll be leaving Detroit for Amsterdam at 5:40 PM arriving May 13th at 7:35 AM.

After another 3 hour layover in Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport we take off at 10:25 AM for an even longer flight to Nairobi where we land at 7:25 PM. The Samaritan's Purse drivers will be there to meet us as we clear customs. Our buddy Gerald (Remember Gerald? There's a photo of him in a prior post) will be driving us to our first good nights sleep (and shower) in 2 days at the Menonite Guest House in Nairobi.

After a relaxing morning at the Guesthouse, we'll board vans to be taken to Tenwek Hospital about 120 km West of Nairobi through the great Rift Valley. Keep us in your prayers and I'll surface as soon as possible on the other side...

Kudo's to Dr. Don Moore for the ultra-cool map video he created and allowed me to post to my blog!


Yvette said...

Looking forward to all your new stories. I am forwarding your stories and posting them on my Facebook as well. Be safe and God bless.

Anonymous said...

Hey Tom, good luck and God bless to you and your team on this amazing trip. Looking forward to lots of photos when you return. Rolf

Alicia V. said...

Safe travels to you. Anxiously awaiting the adventures you find this time around! Re-connecting and connecting anew.

Unknown said...

hurry up and post already!