Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rainy Season

There are 2 "rainy seasons" in Kenya.  In my 2 trips to Kenya, I've experienced them both.  During our most recent visit in May we arrived at the end of this particular rainy season.  Kenya hasn't seen this much rain in over 10 years and the result was the most beautiful green countrysides and foliage we've ever seen. 

It didn't rain that much while we were at Tenwek, and when it did it was only for short periods of time - you know, just enough to make everything smell fresh and clean.  I caught Katie, Jenny, Ty and Kristen above trying to stay dry on their way to the hospital during one of those very brief downpours.

Great shot guys!

1 comment:

Medical Tourism India said...

I think you are doing a great job, god bless you.