Thursday, November 24, 2011

African Gospel Church Celebration

Here are some of my favorite photos and videos from the service I was able to attend on Sunday, November 13th at the Tenwek Hospital Chapel...

Hakuna Mwingine Wakumwinbia (There Is No One Else To Be Sang To) hymn.

I've posted this photo before... I snapped this picture of this little girl out of the the entire congregation on my first Sunday at Tenwek only to have the father stand up later to ask the congregation to pray for her during her open heart surgery the following day.  "Little Sue" as we came to know her the following day was our 2nd pediatric open heart patient on Monday of our pediatric cardiac week.

We learned later in the week while Sue was recovering from her surgery that her parents were Kenyan missionaries stationed in Uganda.  They heard our team was coming to Tenwek to do 2 weeks of cardiac surgery, and they returned to Kenya in hopes that their daughter would be able to get the surgery she needed.  Stay tuned for a future post on Sue.  She's the patient with the pink bow on her head in the ICU.  You can't miss her  ;)

Rocking out African Gospel Church style to the Hakuna Mungu Kama Wewe (There Is No God Like You) song.

Little girl in pink.

This little girl sat next to me in the back of church with her mother and was a non-stop little ball of energy.  She was so well behaved and was about the cutest little thing I'd ever seen. 

I introduced myself to her parents during the morning greeting and learned that the little girls father was the Tenwek Hospital Chaplain who officiated the burial of Roger our patient from the prior week.  Although we hadn't met at the funeral, I was one of 6 or 7 people present, and he remembered me. 

After the service, James and Carolyn invited me to have dinner at their home that evening.  Stay tuned for that post on a traditional Kenyan dinner, something I've never had the chance to do before on prior trips.  That dinner was one of the highlights of my trip this year.  Meeting and getting to know wonderful people like James and Carolyn and their family makes Kenya feel more and more like home. 

I learned this little girls name was "Faith" later that evening at their home. Wouldn't it be great if we could entertain little Faith and her family in our home someday?

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