Friday, November 2, 2012

Day #5: Sunday, October 28th 'Little Drummer Boy'

The church services at Tenwek Hospital each year are enjoyed by any available members of our team.  This year, one of the opening songs was accompanied by this little 'drummer boy'.  He was so cute and so good.  I think you'll enjoy the video as much as I did seeing it in person.  Dr. White (Tenwek Hospital Chief Surgeon) was playing the piano and leading the congregation during the hymn.

I think he saw me...

Some of our team were talking with the little drummer boy after the service.  When we told him that we really liked his music and thought he was a really good drummer he replied, "yeah, thanks!"

From left to right:  Dr. Johanssen an internist and adult cardiologist with decades of experience in treating patients with rheumatic heart disease, Dr. Russ White Chief Surgeon of Tenwek Mission Hospital and Johnson, a senior perfusion student from Vanderbilt University in Nashville.

1 comment:

Meg said...

in love with these photos!