Saturday, May 15, 2010

From Nairobi Through the Great Rift Valley on the Way to Tenwek...

(Click on Photos to Enlarge)

The countryside right outside of Bomet Province close to Tenwek Hospital.

Woman carrying charcoal along the roadside.

One of the main products in Kenya is charcoal which is made from trees. The best charcoal producing trees are the Acacia trees which, of course are the most beautiful. The production of charcoal is heavily regulated so that trees are not stripped from the countryside. The Kenyan's dig trenches to put the tree limbs in, then cover them with leaves and dirt after starting them on fire. Small holes are left in the dirt so the fire can get oxygen to burn but the majority of the branches are covered up and allowed to burn slowly for about a week. When the tree limbs are uncovered, they break them up into smaller pieces and place them in these white sacks to sell along the roadside. The mouths of the bags are stuffed with tree branches and leaves to keep the charcoal from falling out.

We saw these children playing next to their mud hut as we drove by.

One of my favorite things about Kenya are the Acacia trees...

Photo of the group in the van on the way to Tenwek. Sit down and behave Uncle Mike. Don't make me come back there!


Don Moore said...

I cannot believe how GREEN it is!!!! Keep the photos coming. It's like going back. Regards to Reuben and the team as they work (or have now been working) in clinic today.

Please remind Uncle Mike to stop for some chai every day.

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

Wow!! What unbelievable photos of the countryside..... Way to go with the new camera. I am sure that you have already taken like a thousand pics!!!

Miss you.....

Unknown said...

wow I wish I was there right now.
Next year???