Saturday, May 15, 2010

We're Here!

We arrived at Tenwek Hospital yesterday afternoon around 4 pm.  It was great to be back again to see the familiar surroundings as well as some new things that had been done in the past year and a half since I had been there.

This Tenwek statue is a new addition to the hospital grounds since I was here.  It was erected in honor of Tenwek's 50th Anniversary.

When we arrived there were familiar faces for those of us who had been to Tenwek before.  Lisa Kuyaya pictured here with Uncle Mike is the Tenwek coordinator that takes care of all of our needs at Tenwek as well as our in-country travel and safari.

Once we had all said our hello's we unpacked the van, were escorted to our rooms, had a delicious lunch that was waiting for us in the guest room kitchen, had a tour of the hospital grounds, had the IT department at the hospital set all of our wireless connections on our computers and then we were off to the hospital to start unpacking all of our supplies to start getting ready for our first surgery on Monday.
Oh yeah, Uncle Mike brought his bow and arrow to protect us on the trip to Tenwek.  Thanks Uncle Mike!

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