Saturday, May 15, 2010

"Jesus' Love Falls Down On Us Like Rain"

This afternoon I had to good fortune to visit the Umoja Children's Home that one of the OB-GYN physicians who works at Tenwek 6 months out of the year started with his wife years ago. His wife has since died of cancer and today's visit was the first time he had been back since his wife died over 4 years ago.

The family that manages the orphanage greeted us and performed for us for several hours. There were 36 children at this orphanage and they were all such a joy. I will be posting photos from my visit with them for several days but I wanted to share this video with all of you first. Every song they performed for us today was a bible song and this one was about how Jesus' Love falls down on us like rain and washes over us like a river".

The children and the grandmother who started the orphanage with the Tenwek surgeon all spoke Kipsigis, but watch their movements and listen to the song, and I'm sure you'll hear the words. I know we all did.

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