Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Kipsigi's Kids

Notice the hand-holding and the hair touching. It doesn't get any better than this! (click photo to enlarge)


Anonymous said...

Landon had to bring something to school on Friday that started with the letter "U" so on Thursday, I asked him what he wanted to take. After I told him and umbrella would be boring and underwear would be gross he said, "How about Unker Tom!" I told him you were in Africa and probably couldn't make it to the Bear Room at Sunshine PreSchool. Now I'll show him this picture of you with your "new" nieces and nephews. You look like ET amongst all the stuffed animals. Be safe!

auntie said...

Oops! I clicked "Anonymous" instead of "Name."

Unknown said...

OMG this is my newest favorite photo.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it and it's immediately going up in a frame at my house. love you dad, you're the BEST!

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

These are sure some cute kids. They love your spikey hair I guess and your very white skin!!! Almost makes you want to bring one home with you.

♥ U

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

This photo needs to be on our wall as well.

your new little friends......


kate said...

awww this picture is the greatest! So cute!