Monday, May 17, 2010

Mitral Valve Replacement; Day #1

It's 11:40 pm and we're just finishing up for the day.  It's too late for any long stories about the day, so I decided to pick out my favorite shots (out of the couple hundred I took today). 

Our second patient today was a mitral valve replacement on a farmer who had Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD), which is very prevelant in Africa.  The disease destroys their valves and a big part of the adult cases we do here are associated with RHD.

The top picture is this patient's mitral valve when we removed it this afternoon.  For those of you who aren't sure what a mitral valve is supposed to look like, rest assured, it isn't supposed to look like this.  It was calcified and as hard as bone.  The leaflets of the valve are supposed to be thin and move freely to allow blood to move from one chamber of the heart into another.

The second photo is of the prosthetic valve that we implanted into him. It is an animal valve with a support ring around it to give the surgeon something to put his stiches through.

The picture at the bottom is the prosthetic valve with the sutures through it just before the surgeon pushes it down into the patient's heart and ties each of the stiches down to secure it.


Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

I never knew they used so many sutures since I would only see the pts. post op. Who is the surgeon on this trip??

Seems like SLEEP should be first on your list of things to do right now!!

Love you

Jeff said...

Sure brings back old memories. I always loved mitral cases because we never seemed to worry about volume due to the CHF and I could always process a ton in the cell saver. Do you have a cell saver with you there?

Aaron said...

hey Tom--

WTG with the blog as usual! You remain my hero. We just got back Sunday night from a two-week trip to Togo. It was great to be back in the field.

We're praying for you all! Your blog is a blessing. I know it must be hard for you to write blog at the end of the long days!

In Him...Aaron

Unknown said...

oh my goodness that is a lot of stitches in that guy's heart. that was a pig valve right? look how much your daughter has learned over the years from hearing you talk about heart surgeries. hah

logan & I want to know what that orange stuff is that they put on the skin before cutting through it....obviously i haven't learned THAT much over the years.

and ps BTW THANK YOU for the email for my apartment manager. she was pretttttty mad at me pre-email.

jade89 said...

This is certainly a marvelous article. Thank you for taking a few minutes to summarize this all out for us. It is a great guide!

Mitral valve Replacement