Sunday, May 16, 2010

Prayer Warriors Needed

We got to attend the Tenwek church service this morning as a group.  Our cardiac team was introduced to the congregation and many prayers were offered up for our team and for our patients.  It was great to be back at Tenwek with our team again looking forward to another week of cardiac surgeries. 

The 2nd wave of the team arrived this afternoon from Vanderbilt, Brown University and Hollywood Florida.  Dr. White returned from Nairobi at the same time, so the whole team was together around dinner time.  There were about 30 of usk in all.  After introductions were made, and a group photo was taken to commemorate the occasion, we all ate dinner together and the reviewed the first 5 patients that Dr. Mike and Dr. Joe were recommending for surgery.

After the cath conference most of us went to surgery to unpack the rest of the supplies that the 2nd wave brought in and started setting up for our first 3 cases tomorrow.  We'll be operating on a 14 y/o girl as the first case of the day for a Tetrology of Fallot Repair.  That will be followed by a 37 y/o man for a mitral valve replacement due to Rheumatic Heart Disease.  The last case of the day will be  12 y/o girl that will operated on for constrictive pericarditis from TB.

There has been a huge increase in the following of this blog and I'd like to request prayers from each of you for our team tomorrow that we can all operate with clear minds and be able to handle any unforseen issues that may arise with the patients and/or equipment we will be using.  Pray that our patients surgical repairs will be successful and that they will all have uneventful post-op courses.

We are 8 hours ahead of CST, 7 hours ahead of EST and the first patient will be in the OR at 7:30 am in the morning.  So around midnight US time we will be starting our first case.  It will be a long day and I'm not sure if I'll have time to report back tomorrow, but keep the prayers coming.  We have a lot of patients we need to help this week.



Anonymous said...

We prayed aloud for you and your team, at my church in Pasadena this morning..............the prayers just flowed. Carol Berglund

Tom said...

Thanks Carol, I'm glad you're following from afar! We appreciate the prayers!
