Thursday, May 27, 2010


This photo was taken on our way out of the Great Rift Valley on our way to the Nairobi airport on our last day in Kenya (May 24, 2010).  Although photos don't really do any of the Kenyan landscape justice, this one comes pretty close.  When we entered the Rift Valley on our way to Tenwek last week, it was raining and we couldn't see any of this splendor.  It was really a treat to have this clear day to see it as we left the Rift Valley at the end of our stay in Kenya.

Although our whirlwind trip to Tenwek 2010 is over (and we're back in the land of "ketchup, warm showers and high speed internet"), the blogging is no where near finished.  Please be patient and I'll fill in all the blanks over the next several weeks with a lot more photos of the people we were with and places we visited.  I'm planning on adding more video and photos to past posts also, since I was very limited to what I could upload to the blog while I was in Kenya due to the sporadic internet connections.  There are way too many photos to post (and not enough time) to finish the story of what we just did at Tenwek.  To catch you up since the last post...

We had our last case on Saturday morning (May 22nd) and the hospital staff had a celebration lunch for our team outside the hospital.  Our last day was very rushed since we had to disassemble the entire operating room, inventory all of the supplies, stock them into the containers and shelves to be moved to the basement of the hospital so they would be ready for our next trip back to Tenwek. 

Most of our group spent several hours hiking up to Motigo, a hill that overlooks Tenwek Hospital with the most spectacular view of the surrounding area.  Dr. White entertained the group at his home that evening to view "Ghosts in the Darkness".  A real-life movie about man-eating lions in Kenya (Dr. White's gift to the team just prior to leaving for the safari in the Masa Mara!)  ;)

We finished up the inventory and restocking around 11:30 pm (no time to post) and had to pack and be ready to leave for safari by 9:00 am the following day.  After a 3-4 hour drive to the Masa Mara game reserve (and getting stuck and having to push/pull one of our vans out of a washed out portion of the road in an area with wild animals) we arrived at the Fairmont Masa Mara Game Reserve for 2.5 days of safari's, hot-air balloon rides, Masaai dinners and lots and lots of animals on the Mara.

Stay tuned and I'll post as I'm able, but be patient as our son Hunter is graduating from high school in 2 days and we have about 12 family members and friends coming in for the occasion from all over the country.  I still have to finish painting the guest room before they start arriving in 2 days, plus our daughter Meghan and adopted daughter Kate just arrived last night from LA.

Thanks for following along and stay tuned for the "wadoodoo's"...


Unknown said...

What an awesome photo! I'm looking forward to hearing all your stories this weekend!

Rebekah said...

Welcome Home! Reality is not so fun...Kristen and I have been asking to go back to Kenya all day! Hope the graduation events are all fun! See you soon...

KC / Esther said...

I am talking to WMM and very likely to go and serve for two weeks. In October. I am hoping to be helpful there.thank you for sharing.