Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Precious Pre-Op Bubbles

There were a fair amount of neonatal (tiny baby) congenital cases during our first cardiac week at Tenwek Hospital in November of 2008.  Our current cardiac week this month were mostly adolescent or young adults.  I was hoping to be able to do some neonatal cases this trip and by mid-week it looked as if we would be scheduling a young patient for an AV Canal Repair.

I happened to meet the patient and her lovely parents the day before surgery.  I do believe that this little lady is possibly one of my most adorable patient's ever.  She was sitting very comfortably in her father's lap, wearing her hospital gown and giggling while blowing bubbles non-stop in our ICU the afternoon before her surgery.

We were all captivated by her smile, and were not surprised in the least when we learned her name was "Precious".


Erique said...

Thanks Tom for the good work that you and the entire team did at Tenwek.As Precious parents we are very greatful.Precious is doing so well.Let God enable you people to keep up with the same spirit,strength to keep you going and all your hearts desires.God Bless You Abundantly.

Tom said...

Thank you so much for leaving your comment. I'm so glad to hear from you and to hear that Precious is continuing to do well.

It was a pleasure to meet all of you and to be able to help Precious during our week at Tenwek.

I just received a copy of the thank you card that you sent our team yesterday. It was emailed to the entire team so we have all received a copy.

Thank you for your blessings, and if possible please keep in touch. My email address is tom.klein@vanderbilt.edu

My best to you and your family.

Jedidah said...

As Precious mum, I have no words to express.Am very greatful for the beatiful work that you did.Not only for Precious but for all the patients that were in Tenwek.A few would do what you guys did. May the Almighty God Bless You, May HE Bless you Again and again.May HE bless your families,May He bless the works of your hands in the morning,noon, evening and all the times.Pass our regards to your family.

Tom said...

Thank you Jedidah. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed my time at Tenwek. We all feel as if we are able to really make a difference by what we are doing there. We just wish we could do more, but that is not in our hands.

I hope I am able to return to Tenwek on future trips and would love to see you, Erique and Precious if possible. I believe we are tentatively planning on November of 2011, but have no idea if that will be a firm date.

I'm so glad you were able to view the post on Precious and be able to communicate with me through my blog.

I'll keep you all in my prayers. Please give Precious a big hug from our entire team!

Blessings to you and your family.

Moffat John said...

As Precious Uncle. It is with great pleasure that i'm just sending a simple THANK YOU for the happiness you people brought to Precious' family and friends and to the World. It is spirit, drive and dedication like yours and your Team that have made and brought hope to all the patients at Tenwek Hospital. I urge you to continue to give the World the BEST you have and the BEST will come BACK to you. Once again i congratulate you and the entire team. Welcome back again very soon. May GOD bless you all.

Unknown said...

Erique & Jedida,
When you encounter problems in life, don't ask God to take them away. Ask Him to show His purpose. Ask ways how to live a day searching His purpose for you.
May God give you a caring heart so that you can become strong, not just gifted with intellect that can understand, but with heart that truly cares and loves.

Chiropractic practice management said...

Thanks Tom for the good work that you and the entire team and I urge you to continue to give the World the BEST you have and the BEST will come BACK to you.Am very greatful for the beatiful work that you did.