Saturday, May 15, 2010

More Friends From Umoja Children's Home...

Can you even believe the sky in this picture???  Today was the most unbelievably beautiful day that I've ever seen.  Seriously, click on the photo and look at this sky.

Then seriously consider doing something to help these children.  They are an incredible group of kids who have nothing to speak of but their faith and the love and support of the people who care for them at this orphanage.  Their smiles and personalities and voices lit up the room today and stirred something inside of me as I surveyed their surroundings at the place they call home.

One of the caretakers at the orphanage brought a teenage girl up to see one of the physicians with our group about headaches that she has been having because of her eyes.  We happened to have an opthlamology resident with us at the table who is also working at Tenwek.  After it had been determined that they had already taken this little girl to the eye clinic at Tenwek and that her diagnosis was "she needed a pair of glasses" - no tumors, no surgeries, no expensive medications - just glasses.  The problem is that they would cost 2,500 Kenyan Shillings.  I'm a little slow sometimes, so I immediately assumed she needed a $2,500.00 pair of glasses, and thought "that's a whole lot of money".  When I realized that 2,500 Shillings is about $30.00 (USD) I just couldn't rationalize why she didn't already have the glasses she needed.  When we left the orphanage today that little girl was able to get her glasses, but there are 35 other beautiful children at that orphanage that have needs also. 

We should all think really hard about all the things we have that we take for granted every day.... and think about what $30.00 really means to us.... then go back to the top of this post and take a good look at each of those children.  If you click on the photos they will enlarge so you can get a good look at each child.  Then let's all do something to make a difference....  If you're not sure how you can help, just ask me....


auntie said...

I'm ashamed to say that we spent $32 on a "quick" dinner last night at Panera Bread!

Unknown said...

i love you dad!

Unknown said...

and i see you've got some new faces to add to your Africa wall at home! love it!

Susie (aka:Mama Klein) said...

I can't believe how beautiful it is there right now. The sky was the first thing I noticed in this photo before I even read your message. It is so green also. I don't remember it being this pretty on your last trip. What season is it there right now?

These children are beautiful. Love the dimples....

Yvette said...

The photgraphs are amazing...................